This 12 inch vinyl album jacket and label were designed for artist, Duane Linklater's audio artwork titled untitled walk, 2014. The designs resulted from a collaboration with the artist, featuring the Cree syllabic for sikwan on the front cover and Linklater's text piece describing the audio recording on the verso.
The blue silkscreened gradients on the front and back of the jacket are sampled from found skyscapes originally photographed in the same locations and seasons of the original audio walks.
(Description and bio below from
This 12" vinyl record contains audio from Duane Linklater's walks in the vicinity of his home in North Bay Ontario. The audio artwork documents the artist's search for a specific bird with a specific song known as sikwan to the Omaskêkowak. The word refers to a specific period in the spring season. The ambient environmental sounds are audible, with crunching leaves, breaking twigs, a barking dog and the hum of nearby highway motorists.
Duane Linklater is Omaskêko Cree, from Moose Cree First Nation in Northern Ontario and is currently based in North Bay, Ontario.